Asangi is a remote neglected village situated on the bank of the Malaprabha river were the people of the area lead poverty stricken lives with daily wage earners dependent on the big farms for work.
The nearby river is their main source of water and is used for bathing, washing cattle, clothes and also for drinking. People use the roads on which they walk for their lavatory needs as a result water used for drinking and other needs becomes contaminated. During the past four years there has been a severe drought in the region as a result there is little water in the Malaprabha.
Agriculture development will provide
work for parents in the area contributing to family stability as well as provide revenue which can be used to support the growth of the St. Francis Xavier Mission school, dispensary and hostel which draws many children from the surrounding villages. This will require the identifying of a clean and consistent water source which is desperately needed. Produce grown would include coconuts, mangoes, lemons and other various local fruit.
St. Francis Xavier Mission has 8 acres of fertile land that's waiting to be developed. With the help of our benefactors World Mission of Mercy intends to bring in the best agricultural experts from the United States to employ the latest technology to develop this 8 acre parcel as a model to be employed on other farmland throughout the area. We would also seek to purchase additional farmland as we believe farming to be the best way to promote fiscal autonomy for the diocese and the families which the priests and nuns of the diocese server. .
Fr. Joseph Lopes gives his thoughts on the development of 8 acres of fertile Land in his parish.
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